Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Origin of the Name- CALUM

The nationality of Calum is often difficult to determine in cases which country boundaries change over time, making the nation of origin indeterminate. The original ethnicity of Calum may be difficult to determine as result of whether the family name originated naturally and independently in multiple locales; for example, in the case of surnames that come from a craft, which can come into being in multiple places independently (such as the surname "Carpenter" which was given to woodworkers).

The meaning of Calum come may come from a craft, such as the name "Miller" which referred to the profession of working in a mill. Some of these profession-based family names can be a profession in a different language. Because of this it is important to know the country of origin of a name, and the languages spoken by its progenitors. Many modern names like Calum originate from religious texts like the Bhagavadgītā, the Bible, the Quran, and so forth. Commonly these names relate to a religious expression such as "Grace of God".

In early history when few people could write, names such as Calum were transcribed based on how they were heard by a scribe when people's names were recorded in government records. This could have led to misspellings of Calum. Last names like Calum transform in how they're written as theytravel across villages, family unions, and eras across time. Understanding misspellings and spelling variations of the Calum surname are important to understanding the possible origins of the name.

Last names similar to Calum


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